Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Proyek-proyek besar China dalam REPELITA 13

Ini dia proyek-proyek besar China untuk diterapkan dalam lima tahun mendatang 2016-2020.

1. Aero-engine, gas turbine
2. Quantum communication and computer
3. Brain science, brain-like research
4. National cyberspace security
5. Deep space exploration
6. Seed industry
7. Clean, efficient use of coal
8. Integrated information network
9. New materials
10. Laboratories for scientists
11. 10,000 elite entrepreneurs
12. 10,000 overseas talents back to China
13. 1 million professionals every year
14. 1,200 bases to train skilled professionals
15. 800 million mu of high-standard farmland
16. Internet plus modern agriculture
17. Big planes
18. New-generation heavy lift carrier rockets, new satellites
19. Deep-sea exploration, seabed resources utilization
20. New-generation high-speed heavy load railway equipment system
21. Advanced digital-controlled machine tools
22. Industrial, medical and military robots
23. Advanced medical and chemical equipment
24. Artificial intelligence terminals, 5G mobile telecom technology, advanced sensors, wearable devices
25. Application of gene science
26. Commercialization of Beidou and remote sensing satellites
27. 5 million new energy vehicles
28. Optical communication system
29. Internet of Things
30. Big data application
31. International e-commerce
32. 30,000-km high-speed railways covering 80 percent of major cities
33. 30,000-km new expressways
34. Sichuan-Tibet railway
35. Over 50 new civil airports
36. Shipping hubs and smart ports
37. 3,000-km new urban rail transit
38. Postal access for all villages
39. Internet of vehicles, ships
40. Automatic driving system
41. Intelligent electricity system
42. New hydro power plants with an aggregate capacity of 60,000 mw
43. Nuclear power plants with 58,000 mw installed capacity
44. Deep-sea oil and shale oil, gas
45. Expanded oil, uranium storage
46. Water diversion projects
47. Big reservoirs in Tibet and other areas
48. Water-control projects in Xinjiang and other areas
49. Harnessing projects for 244 rivers
50. Urbanization of 100 million people in central and west China
51. Smart cities and sponge cities
52. Tap water covering 80 percent of rural population
53. Longgong-1 deep-sea experimental platform
54. New observant station in Arctic, new scientific base in Antarctic
55. Global maritime monitoring system
56. Ecological restoration of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and other ecologically important areas
57. 5 million km of rural road
58. World-class universities
59. Protection of Chinese ancient books
60. Cultivating professionals capable of telling China story.

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